What I do and who I work with.

Business Growth Strategy.

Growth strategy & planning.

Start-up and Scale-up strategies.

Value Proposition definition

Audience definition and segmentation.

Pitch development, editing and consultation.

Brand value creation.

Commercial opportunities & partnerships.

GTM plan development.

Marketing Agency Business Development.

Expansion opportunity assessment (market / services).

New business strategy & planning.

Consideration analysis.

Prospecting strategy & prospect segmentation.

Prospecting playbooks.

Organic growth playbooks.

Tender/RFI/RFP editing and consultation.

Pitch lead, consultation and procurement negotiation.


What I do.

Who I work with.

Here’s a selection of some of the companies I’ve recently worked with including established marketing agencies, start-up companies and strategic consultancies.

Free Turn.

Start-up launch & growth strategy.

Consultant CGO for brand entertainment start-up business, outlining growth plan for launch and scale up.

The Production Department.

Start-up launch strategy and ongoing advisor.

Advisory Board Member for The Production Department, developing launch and growth plan.

Strat House.

Growth & marketing playbook.

Provided start-up growth consultancy and a marketing playbook for strategic consultancy practice.


Brand refresh & growth plan.

Brand refresh for Communicator London, sharpening proposition and messaging. Outline growth plan, prospecting strategy and pitch support.

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Stir PR.

Targeting & prospecting playbook.

Targeting strategy and actionable prospecting playbook for outbound activity.


George P Johnson.

Brand & growth agency leadership.

Brand & growth strategic planning and activity for live experiences agency, including initial response to pandemic.



Brand refresh & growth plan.

Brand refresh for Dare. Growth plan for agency including organic and new business growth; marketing activity and key partnership strategy.


Critical Mass.

Business Development and Marketing.

Business development and marketing for Europe including key media partnerships, prospecting strategy and pitch lead.